Friday, September 08, 2006


I was having a conversation with Paris Hilton the other day about being hot and sexy and turning people on. We agreed that we can't help being who we are. We were given these hot looks and we just flaunt what we have. Most of the time without even trying. Alot of you reading this can get where I'm coming from and for those of you who don't, well..

Some of us are born to make heads turn no matter what we do or how oogly we try to look. People still look at us. It's the aura we present. Personally, when I hit the gym, i do not look like the star I am when I'm out. With my hair ungelled and my clothes so loose and ugh but for some reason, i still get hit on from both sexes. Why? Paris says it's about the confidence you bring to a room. People feel it and are immediately attracted to it. But I tend to disagree on it somewaht. Sometimes, being gorgeous and confident can be intimidating to other people. Immediately you are branded a snob and shallow just becos the other people do not dare talk to you. They assume you must be highly pretentious becos of how u look.

Paris has this to say..

Everybody’s looking at me
But it’s alright I like attention
The clubs not hot until I walk through
They stop and stare and watch me move
Like damn I like that
I’m sexy and you know it

And it's true. I like the attention I get. And I'm not afraid to admit it. Most people get nervous when people stare or look at them. Not me. I get nervous when people don't look. I'm like, "WAIT a minute.. Something's not right here."

Paris added..

Girls and boys are looking at me
I can’t blame them ‘cause I’m sexy
Don’t care who's watching me
I do just what I want
Just cause i dance with you
Don’t mean your gettin some

True. Just bcause I'm paying you a little attention, don't mean you're getting lucky. Everyone can identify with this right? But what I'm trying to say is.. It's not easy being beautiful. You have a certain expectation to live up to. And the public is very keen on bringing you down on the slightest mistake you do becos you are constantly in the spotlight. Again, alot of you can identify with me.

But sometimes, it does get tiring to dress up and go out all the time and the truly beautiful know that you are beautiful even with hair down and you are wearing rags. I have on few occassions gone out of my house in my tartiest tank tops and slinky shorts and unruly hair to grab a quick ice cream or magazine. But somehow or rather, i always bump into people i know. People whom i do not want to be seen wearing what i'm wearing! And i always curse myself! But it's the law of the jungle. So i just rejoice in knowing that no matter how unpretty i may look, I still look better than average. Paris couldn't agree more.

Okay.. beautiful people. Til the next post!


The Made Up Maiden said...

Well hon...outward beauty is all fine and good but its also important to be beautiful on the inside, no?

Being a girl, I can attest that beauty isn't necessarily something you'd wish to flaunt, particularly in a world where there seem to be an increasing amount of perverts/psycho's around. You never know when just being yourself might induce someone to hurt you just because of the way you look. Not a nice thing to live with...

Personally, I believe that outward beauty can be affected by the person that you are inside...not to mention beauty fades with age. Always be true to yourself and dress up for no one aside from yourself!

Anonymous said...

hey beautiful,

it is such a hard life being beautiful aint it?? But i do agree with miss nalini up there. anyway, paris rocks and i need to get her cd.. 'stars are blind' is already on my ipod.. 'cuz im perfect for u'

ps. britney is old news.. change the pic.

Collecting Moments said...

I agree with nalini! Its life threatening to be beautiful nowdays. :D