Monday, January 29, 2007

come clean

Can somebody please explain to me the definition of a relationship? I'm not talking about your brother-sister relationship or your friendship relationship but the lover relationship. Lately, being in a relationship has become so complicated and often over dramatic. Or does that only happen to me and my circle of friends? 6 out of 10 people I know who are in steady relationships are cheating with someone else. And of that 6 people, 3 of them have partners who are cheating on them too. And everyone thinks they are fooling each other but the truth is you're not fooling anybody honey.

Why is so hard to sustain a meaningful relationship? Is it the signs of the time? Could it be because we are surrounded by so much temptation and the idea of the forbidden fruit is constantly dangling in front of us? I don’t know.. I may be promiscuous. I may be a whore. But I still believe in the sanctity of marriage and of being in a true relationship. That’s why when I’m in one, I give it my all. Or at least, I try to.

We all want bigger, better, more beautiful things. So when a person comes along who can offer us this things, we naturally tend to gravitate towards this person. Regardless of whether we have a person of our own. And some people cheat without thinking twice. Some cheat thinking that it’s ok. Some cheat because there’s something missing in their relationship. Some are compulsive liars. Some cheat because they love the thrill. Some cheat because they are in a dead end relationship. There are a million and one reasons for a person to stray but do us all a favor and own up when you’re caught. Denying only makes it worst. And hurting a person who has loved you with all their might is downright unforgivable. I can forgive a one night stand but to have a whole other relationship with another person while being with me is just plain wrong. And shamefully, I am caught in this situation at the moment. And it’s driving me insane. Sigh.. I hate myself sometimes. But then again, don’t we all?

I’m not saying people who cheat should burn in hell. Who knows what goes on in their minds? Who knows what goes on in anyone’s minds. You think you know a person and then BOOM they hit you with a surprise so shocking it’d turn your whole world around.

So cheat if you want. Don’t cheat if you don’t want. It’s your life. Your world. But keep in mind, when things get complicated, a lot of people get involved especially when your web of lies has trapped a lot of insects.

Justin sang it well.. “What goes around, comes around..”
And so did Jessica “One of these days, these boots are gonna walk over you..”


The Made Up Maiden said...

A beautiful post, and well said...Unfortunately, cheaters are too often people who are too concerned with their own self interests to worry about the hurt they're inflicting on the people who care about them the most.

Life always comes down to one decisive moment, where a turning point occurs. Honest people always make the decision to turn away regardless of the temptation, while cheaters get swayed too easily.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes people need some form of confirmation that they are still attractive to others. Hence they cheat, feeling chuffed at their conquest (and should they actually have a heart, guilty afterwards).

Sometimes people stray, flirt and cheat when they don't know what they want emotionally. Blame it on a bad past relationship or a screwed up childhood, they need to be on their own to find themselves.

Or could it simply be that they do not see the big picture or put it simply: daft -- knowing their actions will actually hurt another soul?

I know it hurts to be on the shyte end of the stick. Whatever it is, stay positive. Chin up, hun!