Monday, June 01, 2009

heartbreak make me a dancer

I cannot stand desperation in stupid people. I cannot stand stupid people. Shallow I like. But stupidity.. is a whole different story. And it's worst when stupid people do stupid things that make you go WTF?

Seriously, if you cannot handle rejection, do not put yourself in a position where you will be rejected. Think ahead and brace yourself for the fall. Don't keep thinking that life is peachy and fun when you look like crap. If you look like crap, life is never gonna be peachy and fun for you cos you DO NOT deserve it. Make an effort and go dress yourself up and do something about that personality. Or better yet, why not put us all out of misery and go hang yourself.

And I don't think I'll ever understand people who demand an instant sms reply. Yes, I understand if it's stuff that's vital but not when it's random stuff.. Things like, "How's your day?" or "Let's plan to meet up next week", these don't require instant replies!! Which leads me to another thing I can't stand. People that reply smses 2 or 3 days later when the sms you first sent them no longer seems valid. Seriously people, isn't an sms' validity only for like 24hours? After that, it doesn't matter whether you reply it or not. So the key is here, smses should be replied in a period of 24hours or else don't bother replying. Cos I've found myself in situations when I receive an sms and I'm like, what is this guy talking about then I realize I asked him something 3 or 4 days ago. And it's not like they'll start the sms with, "to answer your question.." or "regarding my.." Oh no, instead they'll just go "Ok" or "Yup, I'm cool with that" or the worst, "definitely!" DEFINITELY WHAT DUMB ASS?!

And the worst thing I can't stand are people who think the world owes them. People who think that just because they're alive and have contributed used up space to the world that everyone and the universe has to give them something in return. Well wake up and smell the freaking acid rain losers, the world does not owe you anything. Everyone around you makes an effort to make things work for them. You are a fucked up moron if you think you can just sit around and wait for things to happen just because you smiled today. Bastards..

1 comment:

the pink atom said...

You go sister! Well, I wouldn't put it to sheer stupidity, also a combination of ignorance and indifference, with a dash of lackadaisical attitude thrown in. Like with any recipe, it's never with just one ingredient, and obviously these people are walking recipes gone wrong! Sigh, in summary, some people can be so bloody irritating in general, and for not even valid reasons, kinda takes a toll on your tolerance levels doesn't it?