Sunday, April 19, 2009


About two weeks ago, my life was thrown off course by a single piece of news that just shook my day and made me think alot about life in general.

A childhood friend of mine was killed in a hit and run. He was on his way to college but he never made it. Highway patrol found his body on the side of the road with his bike a few feet away. 

This kid used to hang in my house so much that he called my mum "Amma" as well. She became his second mother. There was never a day when he wasn't in my house. And as kids we used to do everything together. We'd imagine all kinds of things, we'd laugh about things that only kids can laugh about, we'd torture each other, bully each other, we'll hate each other and then become friends again the next minute. And back then, we had no PSPs or gameboys or superfast internet. All we had were ourselves and our imaginations. During the school holidays, when my cousins came around, we'd have a huge blast playing all kinds of games. As I think back, I realize we were quite a mental bunch ;)

I can't remember but I think he was in my life for the first 12 or 13 years. And then we sort of grew apart and never spoke again after that. His mum and my mum had the occassional calls and all but the two of us never spoke again. I don't know why. So when we heard about his death, needless to say, my mum was heartbroken. And the rest of us lived out the day with a very heavy heart. At the end of that faithful day, we all came together to go to his house to pay our respects and show our support. It was the least we could do. This guy was part of our childhood and his death has left a hole in our minds that I believe will take a long time before it's covered up. 

At the funeral, his mum kept asking him to wake up and when my mum came in, his mum started shaking him telling him to get up and that his Amma was here now. It was devastating to say the least. His brother refused to accept his death and never came out from the kitchen. His dad was crying while talking to visitors. 

And it's so totally weird how you never hear from a person for years and you think life is all peachy and then BOOM something like this hits you and life is never the same after that. And I hate this feeling. I hate it hate it hate it. 

I think about him everyday now and all the things we used to do and laugh about and the amount of trouble we used to cause. And I always smile thinking about it and I always end that smile with guilt. Guilt maybe because I should have tried harder to keep in touch? I don't know. But one thing I do know is that, God definitely works in mysterious ways and we need to always ALWAYS let the people we love know how much they mean to us. Cos once they're gone, it's too late for anything already. 

Rest in peace SunnyBoy. Thank you so much for the memories.

Photo taken from Trey Ratcliff. Thank you!

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