Monday, June 09, 2008

heal the world

As many of us are aware, we just celebrated World Environment Day. And how did you celebrate yours? I did not turn on the computer or the tv, did not use the car, and told everyone I spoke to spare a thought for Mother Nature. It's a celebration that goes unnoticed by many but to those of who are friends of Ma Nature, we don't let the day go to waste.

There's been alot of hoopla lately about the rising fuel prices. And yes, it's affecting everyone. But I can't help but see the silver lining in these trying times. Maybe with the escalating price of petrol, everyone will now be forced to think of alternative transportations. And by alternate transportations, I mean car pooling, using the trains and walking or bicycling!! Seriously honey, do you really need to drive to the nearest grocer's for a loaf of bread? Just because you are at the mercy of the weather does not mean you have to fill the air with more exhaust fumes. Walk, it'll do you good. And make you leaner too. Lord knows alot of us can stand to lose a few pounds. And how can you argue about the benefits of cycling? It's a HUGE abs trimmer and butt tightener. Need I say more?

There are too many people who talk about the environment and do nothing for it. Alot of people will say they are pro-green but not many are willing to give up their little luxury items in support for a greener environment. We need to wake up and smell the exhaust fumes. The earth is not getting younger (and neither are you for that matter) and before you know it, all we'll have are distant memories of green tropical forests and blue oceans. I'm not even gonna get started on fauna extinction. That's a whole different topic in itself. Even as I type this, earth's temperature is rising causing less cooler regions. There's less snow in areas where it used to be blanketed by Jack Frost, the polar ice caps are melting rapidly, the seas are constantly being polluted by crap from moronic fisherman and dumb tourists, and there is so much garbage being thrown away by households and officeblocks. Recycling is the key people. We already know it but not enough is being done. I for one am making an active stand on recycling as of now.

When shopping, bring your own bag instead of using the plastic bags. Easier said than done, I know. Because of the mentality of our shop-people. And it can get frustrating sometimes but hang in there. The following conversation happened to my soulmate HoneyStar at Watson's.

me: Its ok, I dont need a bag

nor: Cannot!

me: What do you mean by cannot? I dont need it. I have the reusable shopping bag.

nor: Cannot, the department (I dont know what he was mumbling about, dunno head department or what department) says cannot.

me: But I have the receipt to prove I paid for it. I really dont need the extra plastic bag.

nor: If you don't need it, you can throw it away. (OMG!!! I got so pissed when he said that!!)

me: (screaming)This is ridiculous, throw it away??? This is why we have pollution. Its people like you contributing to the pollution. This doesn't make sense at all!!

You can read more about it on her page. Just click on her name. I can feel her pain. There is still alot of work that needs to be done in terms of educating the general public. But I will say that there has been alot of improvement from the previous years. Lots of people are seeing the light (as hazy as it is).

So here's to a better today and a whole lot better tomorrow. Save and recycle. Life's too precious!!

I'm ending this with an ad campaign by The State Government of Western Australia. They're doing their part to combat global warming with a program called Act Now For The Future. Three simple print advertisements show chimneys, cars and lightbulbs and the words ” It’s your choice.”

Save the world. Make Mother Nature proud.

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