Thursday, March 04, 2010

if we ever meet again

Today I lost somebody.

He just left abruptly and I didn't say anything. I don't feel anything. I just feel numb.

Is it wrong to have loved somebody all your life and then find yourself falling out of love with that person? Is it wrong for that intense love to turn into hate? I don't know.

All I know is, I feel numb.

I hope to see him again. I really do. Cos I cannot imagine my life without him.

But this is life. And it will go on.

I'll love him always. Even though I've never said it.


PY said...

The most important thing is that you know you have so many people who loves you dearly.

Maybe he is going through a difficult time. You know where is he? I hope he is safe.

rain said...

some people just stuck with ya forever ... a different kind of love .... it's deep ....