A few days ago, I went down to my local grocers to get some cereal and fruits and a few other stuff. I took along this little girl my mum looks after. She's about 3 going on to 4 and she is such a chatterbox with an extremely curious mind. Always asking 'what's that' and 'why is that'?
So as we were strolling down the aisles with her sitting in the trolley cart, her very loose spaghetti strap top came down her left shoulder exposing her chest. And as I was re-adjusting her top I whispered, "Girl, put your dress on properly, everyone can see your boobs". Which was a big mistake.
She looked up at me with her eyes opened wide and said out loud, "What is boobs?" To which all the other mothers in the aisle turned around to look at us and I swear time stood still!! I tried to keep a straight face but couldn't. Tears of laughter were forming in my eyes and I quickly pushed the trolley out form the aisle. Once safe, I laughed til the tears poured! All the time, Little Girl was looking at me with curiousity in her eyes. And to make matters worst, she kept asking "What is boobs?"
I kept hushing her and pretending not to hear but she kept persisting which did not help the situation cos people were starting to look at me differently. I finally said, "When we get back, go and ask ur mummy, ok?" Which shut her up for good. Thank GOD!
Must seriously need to watch my words when little children are present. Obviously when we got back she asked her golden question out loud in front of my parents and her parents as well. I laughed running to my room leaving the older folks red faced and struggling for an explanation.